

What is DMA? is the official website of the State Employment Agency and provides many of the agency's services online. These online services include applications for incentives and business awards, a registry of certificates, a registry of enterprises, and more.

My role in this project.

UX/UI Designer
Before starting our research, we identified through our observations which audience's problems we would solve.

Incentives and business awards application form:

Individual entrepreneurs apply for the incentive award, and if they meet the criteria, they receive the incentive award from DMA.

Registry of applications from vocational training institutions:

Educational institutions apply to DMA to provide training for unemployed and job-seeking individuals and help them find employment. If the performance of these institutions meets the criteria, citizens are directed to those institutions.

Research process:

While creating these services, a technical specification was provided by DMA regarding the information that must be included in accordance with the legislation, and the services were developed based on this specification. It was not possible to include any information outside of the legislation or modify any data outlined in the legislation. Only after the initial prototype of the services was ready, user testing was conducted.


UI design:

Testing process:

After the initial prototype was completed, in-person moderated usability testing was conducted on the services. As a result of the testing, we decided to make changes to the areas where users experienced difficulties. These changes did not involve the removal or modification of any information outside of the legislation.

What did we change?

The text within the input fields was not fully understood.
An official guide on how to enter the FIN code of the ID card should have been added.

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